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  • Aliya Sarosh

What is Social Media Marketing and its leverage in the current scenario?

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

At first, when social media became popular, people were busy talking about its side effects and other impacts. However, later people start considering it a worthwhile resource from multiple aspects and its utility as a marketing channel always ranked on top.

Social media marketing is a trend that is gaining more popularity day by day due to its humongous outcome and enormous impact. Entrepreneurs and marketing professionals are trying to make the most of the traffic available on social media. Another advantage is the information that the algorithm of that platform carries, it knows a lot of things about the user and understands well about the type of content or advertisement one is interested to see, watch and consume.

There are many real stories on topics like how Facebook marketing services in Bangalore have transformed the entire scenario of the business. Social media is like a gold mine when it comes to customer acquisition and retention. However, it must be utilised with subtlety because, in the transparent world, it is hard to calm a disappointed customer or avoid any kind of offense or negligence while engaging the customers. That’s why you must give this responsibility to the hands of experts. We at 'Evam Social' do the social media management job the best way possible.

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Social media is the best place to spread awareness about a company and its products or services. Most of the time, awareness is the initial goal in many marketing campaigns which can be easily accomplished by putting the right effort in terms of social media optimization and marketing.


Although people are more likely to see a company’s presence on social media, a website makes it seem credible and the traffic on it leads to instant growth in relevant terms. Here, social media can enormously drive traffic to your website and retain it for the long term.


Believe it or not, social media can overdeliver the expected conversion if the campaign was sharp and moving. On social media, people usually don’t consider ads as something disturbing their flow. Contrary to this they enjoy taking a look at that exciting product or service.


Branding is the most clever approach to make people willing to pay for your offerings without giving so much thought. A brand is all about building a perception loaded but credibility and trust which can be easily accomplished through the channels of social media.


Let’s take a look at Instagram and compare it to LinkedIn. What are the first thoughts that come to mind? Probably, it will be the difference in its users. Yes, this is the benefit of marketing on social media, you get so many options to choose from as per your requirement.

If one is working on a personal brand that wants to portray an intellectual image, the right choice will be prioritizing Twitter and LinkedIn along with evergreen youtube. A fashion blogger should maximize his/her presence on Instagram, Pinterest, and youtube. Apart from these things, If it is about marketing a book while promoting the brand of its writer, tumbler joins the game as well. Another very important aspect is that the content that is marketed on Twitter and LinkedIn can also be marketed on Facebook and Instagram but all the content on Instagram can’t seem relevant if shared on Twitter and LinkedIn. It takes a subtle understanding to make the right move and manifest an optimized outcome through it. Some people especially take Instagram marketing services in Bangalore to make an all-around growth of their company. Evam Social - a premier digital marketing agency recommends Instagram as the preferred platform to advertise for any type of business.

In social media marketing, expert marketers prioritize the social media platforms in the right sequence. By choosing a platform with an uninterested audience, the invested efforts may not bring results as per one’s expectations. This is because social media marketing is powerful only when executed in the right way from a skilled mind.

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